Best Valentine’s Present Ever!

On February 14, our second grandchild, Noah Samuel Smith, was born. It was the best Valentine’s Day present ever.

My husband Bob and I flew 3,000 miles across the country to be there with our daughter Becky, son-in-law Matt, and toddler grandson Jake for the big day. I can tell you from experience that words can’t adequately describe the joyful feeling of seeing and holding our newborn grandson shortly after his birth. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology I was able to text Noah’s photo within minutes of his arrival to our family and friends.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I don’t have to rush back home. I can text, return phone calls, coach clients and prepare proposals from anywhere. Modern technology can be a blessing and a curse (when you feel you just can’t escape), but today I am grateful to have meaningful work that I truly enjoy and the freedom to do it from anywhere.

I’m sure by the time Noah is grown the technology I think is so amazing will be long obsolete, but for now I think it’s fantastic that I can be here with my family and easily work thousands of miles from home.

Here’s my question for you today: How often have you work remotely? Do you find it a help or hindrance to always be in touch?

Rosalie Marcus, The Promo Biz Coach, helps promotional sales professionals sell more at higher profit margins to choice clients and quickly increase their incomes! Get a FREE special report: 10 Big Mistakes Promotional Professionals Make and How to Avoid Them and a FREE Skyrocket Your Sales audio download at Reach her at [email protected] or 215-572-6766.

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